DeskSaver Pro permits to backup and to restore the icons position easily on the Windows desktop (Windows 95, 98, Millennium, NT, 2000 and XP).
DeskSaver Pro permits to recover instantaneously your favorite arrangement after a modification of the desktop icons position, a system error or the use of your computer by another user.
DeskSaver Pro permits to backup the position of the desktop icons by user and by resolution. So, when needed, every known user can re-establish its favorite desktop icons arrangement whatever the current resolution.
DeskSaver Pro also permits to win room on the Windows taskbar thanks to the "Taskbar Economizer". When the Economizer is activated, a right click on the reduction icon of an application is sufficient to reduce it in the Windows systray (next to the clock) and not in the Windows taskbar.
DeskSaver Pro can be activated when you decide to use it or directly loaded every time you start your computer.
DeskSaver Pro can automatically restore the desktop icons arrangement each time you voluntary or unvoluntary change your screen resolution.
DeskSaver Pro can be used in single-user mode or in multi-user mode. By user we mean the one that register himself when Windows start (in the login dialog box).
DeskSaver Pro makes himself discreet in the Windows systray (next to the clock).
right click on this icon make appear the DeskSaver Pro configuration menu.
DeskSaver Pro:
Simple: Takes in fast and easy hand.
Powerful: Backup and restore immediately your desktop.
Low price: A very competitive price for an indispensable Tool.
Interesting: Hide your open applications and optimize your working space...